查詢類別 Enquiry Type ---產品使用查詢 Product Usage產品問題(品質/安全/投訴) Product Issue (Quality, Safety, Claim)有售零售商/門市查詢 Available Retailers Enquiry價格查詢 Price Enquiry商務合作 Business Collaboration/Opportunity人事/求職 Human Resource/Recruitment其他 Others
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查詢內容 Your Enquiry Message
我已閱讀並完全理解個人資料收集聲明的內容並接受其條款。 I have read and fully understand the contents and accept the terms of the PICS.
我不同意小林製藥(香港)有限公司或小林製藥集團將我的個人資料用於直接促銷。I do not consent Kobayashi Pharmaceutical (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. nor the Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Group to use my personal data for direct marketing.